The Lookout

This page is written out of series.

The Lookout RP universe is the term for the entire original fantasy universe that the wiki's roleplaying takes place in.


Technically, it is the same universe that the events of Dragon Ball (excluding Super) took place in. However, that took place in one galaxy of billions and holds virtually no influence on the universe or any creations currently made in it. Those characters couldn't hold a candle to ones that have came about since anyway.

Lookout I (L1), the first part of the series, began 250 years following the conclusion of DBGT, in the year Age 1040 and lasted through to Age 1125. It took place over the course of 85 years. It was by far the most expansive, active, and explosive RP era, containing hundreds of user-created characters, events, an entire lore, and much more that truly defined the Lookout universe and made it its own. An entire community's role-playing skills, and age, evolved along with it. It ended with a universal revolution and war of massive proportions, a retcon (power compression), and a 375-year timeskip.

Lookout II (L2) followed it, running from Age 1500 to 1503. It took place after a massive timeskip. It was much more calm and uneventful than L1, in contrast to its predecessor. It was a major cool-down and relaxation, which provided room for much more intricate detailed arcs and storytelling.

Lookout III (L3) took place in Age 5000. By this point, the events of the previous two series was history and largely forgotten. A rip in the fabric of spacetime was created during the universal war of L1 and was sealed using a magic tablet. However, the tablet suddenly burst from pressure, opening the rip back up and consuming entire galaxies. It's almost by nature a band of brave heroes of different backgrounds came together to travel space and restore the pieces of the tablet, aided by Lazarus, who gave up his powerful job to assist them.

Lookout X (LX) takes place in an "alternative part" of the universe, on a large planet laden with gritty wild wastelands, instability, and proxy wars, over 200 years after an apocalypse leaving everything radioactively mutated. Each town, far and few between, functioned as its own stronghold protected by private militias and especially mercenary guilds.


In Age 790, a band of fighters from the Milky Way galaxy known as the Z-Fighters, led by the legendary Goku, defeated Omega Shenron and united a pair of wish-granting magic orbs known as the Dragon Balls. Planet Earth experienced many changes over the next two-and-a-half centuries. Goku's descendant, Goku Jr, would grow to be a renowned political leader, ushering Earth into a new age of progress and introducing it to similar planets in its own galaxy - galactic diplomacy. He founded a new city known as Supreme City which rose and became the capital of Earth. The Furry Dynasty continued to hold power over the planet. A relative era of peace washed over the immediate universe.

However there is much speculation around the sudden uptick in villainous activity throughout the universe that began around Age 1040. Naturally, in response to a surge of petty villains with a growing insurmountable power that kept popping up on Earth, a number of organizations of martial artists, strongmen, and those skilled in the art of energy rose to combat these threats. The most successful of these groups was the Lookout Crew, initially consisting of warriors Zion, Kuzon, Ian, Nova, SS, and TOAA. In short, nearly the next century would see the crew's great rise in power, fighting the most powerful threats and waging multigalactic wars of immense scale. Many of them would become gods and have entire families of warriors, many who grew to fight in the crew. With the conclusion of the Great Universal Revolution, the universe experienced a power compression, a new political and economic framework, and all potential major threats were neutralized for centuries.

For more, click the links above for details on L2, L3, and LX.



Universe 7; its 4 quadrants and the Void (center)

DBUniverse (SuperExcitingGuides)

The main universe is Universe 7 as it is in DB, but there are loads of new planets, histories, and realms shown. Billions of planets with billions of different cultures, races, and places to start on. For example, Planet Saiya has an entire history of Kings and Royalty before it was destroyed. Every RP character has his/her's own unique beginning and history added to the storybooks. The multiverse is 1 trillion years old.

Lookout doesn't directly follow the DBZ-canon system of how the universe works, mainly because we find this to make more sense and also provide more open room for creativity. However, we try to follow canon as much as possible. The Omniverse is also called existence, and it sprouted from the Existential Seed.

  • Omniverse (existence) ruled by Elyus
    • Multiverse (infinite)
      • This one has 12 Universes (we are set in the 7th)
        • 4 Quadrants each (North/South/East/West)
          • Billions of galaxies and many planets each

The universe is the size of the real universe; extremely large, with hundreds of billions of planets and galaxies (set at 100 billion galaxies), and an ever-expanding unending world of diversity and ideals. However, the majority of these galaxies are underdeveloped and owned by empires, and may have no sentient life. There are 12 universes in what makes up the multiverse. There are an unspecified amount of multiverses in the omniverse (though it is recommended to stay within the main one).

The universe is mostly based on a complex social system that runs off an elite socioeconomic hierarchy, incorporating trade and status through major empires and governments, which control most of the universe and all of its respective quadrants. Though there are hundreds of billions of planets in the universe, there are only a few million powerful empires that judge most of it, as most of the planets are actually relatively low in economic status or population. While there are a few million empires, there are even fewer (in the thousands) elite Super-empires that control those indirectly, known as the Universal Great Houses, later discovered as the corrupt Universal Supersystem and destroyed during the Great Universal Revolution, resulting in an entirely new system being instated--Universal International (which works basically the same way but with move oversight over systemic corruption)

Afterlife (Heaven & Hell)[]

The dead go to Heaven or Hell in Other World. If you are killed while dead, you are permanently erased. Everyone keeps their physical bodies, whether in Hell or Heaven. Those who died as infants go to Heaven's Nursery and can be retrieved by their families (if they are neglected, they are sent back to the Nursery). Hell is guarded by ogres and [ Angels of Hell].


There are thousands of gods in each of the 12 universes. There are also hundreds of God pantheons, such as the Saiyan God panetheon (most races have their own) and the Eldreyn God pantheon. If you ever decide to want to make gods or your character one, consult an admin or the God listing page.

Yoi & Waru are the concepts of creation/destruction in the universe, as it follows that philosophy. Most of the Z-Fighters are in Heaven. You can use anything (such as fighting styles) from other series' as long as they are coherent, and make sense in this universe (ex. jutsu from Naruto uses chakra, which actually exists).



Planet Earth is and always has been the main RP base. It is the home world to Humans and has become among the most diverse, progressive scientifically-advanced planets in the Milky Way, and home to many different races living among each other in a multi-cultural world. Earth has become the capital of The Great Empire which further increased its diversity. It is oversaw by the Guardians of Earth.

By the Age 1000, Earthlings are well aware of advanced fighting techniques. This is all thanks to Son Gohan, who published the book "Groundbreaking Science" around Age 800, presumably introducing concepts such as Ki control to the general public and ushering in a worldwide revolution in martial arts. In Age 1086, Kuzon Jr. became first non-canine King in centuries and the Earth Army began use of ki. Eventually Earth became the base of the Great Empire, much more technologically revolutionized and liberal. This would fluctuate with time and shifting cultural changes would occur.

Earth is the most well-protected planet in the universe, basically. It had much history and continued post-Lookout Crew.

Earthly Differences[]

  • Supreme City is the large, capital complex of Earth in place of Central City. It was founded by Goku Jr.
  • There are many more universities and education centers (though they have no actual use in RP, they are for fun). These can help develop your character.
  • Mr. Satan is still the caretaker of the Lookout, but interestingly makes very few appearances in RP (same for Korin's Tower and Dende). Kuzon used to consider himself caretaker from 1040 to 1063, when he moved. Actually, many immortal DB characters still exist, but rarely show themselves.
  • There are millions of different locations and places scattered around the universe.
  • The Z Fighters are not the main fighting and protectors of Earth anymore. They didn't disappear, but they evolved into The Lookout Crew, which many of its members are descendants of the original Z Fighters. It soon became the Neo Lookout Crew.
  • The economy and government of Earth has changed a lot.

Saiyan race (Lookout version)[]

Saiyans are a very popular race in both the anime and this RP wiki. So the following will describe what history this wiki uses for the Saiyans, since there are several different histories for them. Since these concepts were made and put into use, new things have been revealed and changed. 


In Lookout canon, the original Saiyan home world was Planet Saiya, a large bustling planet with a golden and red atmosphere. Prior to the 238 Before Age destruction of the Planet at the hands of the Original Super Saiyan, Saiyan civilizations included great Kings, rulers, cities, empires and colonies. This started in 2002 Before Age, when a Saiyan, later known as King Saiyan I, founded the first empire. Prior to that, the Saiyans were villagers and had colonies and villages all around the planet. They grew agriculture and did things like humans would in the Bronze Age. They were not really evil, but they had a taste for violence and were naturally aggressive. They did not appeal or have interests in politics, but if power was involved, they would obviously fight over it. Pre-dating even that, Saiyans were originally Great Apes. They would evolve into humanoid forms and grow intelligence over the course of millions of years. Considering there was an original Super Saiyan God, there were 5 pure-hearted Saiyans accompanying him. This implies Saiyans were not always evil, and it is a choice (a good example is The Kuz Clan, an RP clan with large roots that are known for being pure-hearted throughout history).

After 238 Before Age, a few number of Saiyans managed to escape the planetary explosion. The height of Saiyan population and society had dropped immensely. Saiyans would now be travelling by spaceship from planet-to-planet, striking deals and making pacts, but they would find none that suited them. In this time, Saiyan society devolved back into barbaric brutes because they had to survive. Mostly, they traveled by one or two large spaceships. In Age 550, small groups of Saiyans struck down on Planet Plant in space pods (DBGT canon). The Tuffles greeted and welcomed them upon landing. However, the Tuffles would eventually turn them into slaves and force them to live outside cities in large deserts. Here, Saiyans would make livings and make large villages, some underground, for 170 years. Saiyans would create cultures and become diverse in this time, having farms, going through droughts, etc. 

In Age 720, the Saiyans were fed up, and finally attacked the Tuffles. In 730, after 10 years of war, a full moon occurred, and Saiyans went Great Ape and finished them off in a night, and renamed the planet Vegeta, after general/King Vegeta. Immediately after, the Acrosians arrived and made a deal where Saiyans would invade planets and get technology in return. After that, Frieza annexed the Saiyans and did the same thing. In 737, the Planet Vegeta was destroyed.
